Common complaints

Restoring balance

Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This ancient medicine is based on the insight that physical and mental complaints arise from disturbances in the energy system of the body. With acupuncture, these disturbances can be corrected and the energy flow in your body is brought back into balance. Acupuncture encourages the body and mind to heal itself. During an acupuncture treatment, very thin needles are placed at specific points on the body. Inserting the needles does not hurt. The treatment can be supplemented with massage, herbal therapy or nutritional advice. Acupuncture has virtually no side effects.

If you have complaints that are not described below, please do not hesitate to contact me

Auto immune disorder

An auto-immune disease occurs because the immune system sees body's own cells and substances as foreign and attacks them. An allergy can also cause this but with autoimmune reactions the symptoms are often more severe. Chronic inflammation deep in the body, sometimes accompanied by attacks and rest periods.


Apart from chronic inflammation, it is also often accompanied by fatigue, depression, stress and moodswings, pain symptoms and an overall feeling of malaise.

Examples of autoimmune disorders include: Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto's disease, Bechterew's disease and many others.

What can acupuncture do?

You cannot cure an autoimmune disease, even with acupuncture. However, it can help balance the immune system and thus reduce symptoms. Because of this, medication can possibly be reduced, in consultation with the treating physician.

In relation to
You often see that autoimmune diseases involve some form of stress. Logically, it can have quite an impact on your daily functioning and freedom of movement. Sleep problems are also not an unknown factor in autoimmune diseases. Of course, some people are more prone to this than others, but within Chinese Medicine, these complaints often go together. Acupuncture can help you with this by relieving the tension in your body and making you more relaxed in your body, reducing stress feelings and giving sleep more of a chance.
See also Stress and Sleep problems

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Bladder complaints

Bladder infection

To know if you have a bladder infection, you can have a urine test done at the doctor's office. An acupuncture treatment should kick in immediately with the first symptoms, otherwise I will refer you to the doctor for an antibiotic prescription.


As women age or because of pregnancy, some form of incontinence may occur. Men can also develop incontinence with age or after a very intense physical exertion period. This is often due to lack of yang energy to hold up urnine.

In both men and women, there may also be an oppressive lower abdominal feeling similar to urge but absence of urine. If this feeling does not go away after several days, treatment is in order.


In children, this can sometimes go on too long. Once is not a disaster but frequent repetition in children is mainly a mental process. I can give advice in a short intake with the parents and possibly refer them to a specific child acupuncturist.

What can acupuncture do?

First of all, I need to know the cause of your symptoms. It is important that you email me all your symptoms before your first appointment. Once that is clear, I can tailor the treatment accordingly.

For incontinence, I will mainly focus on the yang energy so that urine can be held up, for cystitis it is mainly about treating the acute process and in the long term increasing the resistance so that recurrence happens less frequently or not at all.

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The feeling that you can't do any more and nothing helps. All your reserves are used up, no more energy. Survival and no more bright spot in your life.


Stress or tension is not an unhealthy feeling. It is the production of adrenaline when exciting and/or unexpected events occur. What makes it unhealthy is if it happens too often and if you have trouble getting out of the tension so you can't relax. And that affects body and mind.


Being overtired is one of the main symptoms, but negative self-image is also very common in burnout. Because your whole person, both physically and mentally, is under a lot of pressure and gets little energy, you can develop all kinds of complaints such as: headaches, dizziness, nausea, irritability, nervousness, gastrointestinal problems, hyperventilation, menstrual and potency disorders, increased blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, skin problems, crazy taste in the mouth, eye and ear problems. Of course, this is different for each individual.

What can acupuncture do?

First of all, I will work on your energy. If this tightens then it will affect all other complaints. In addition, together we can see what specific complaints also need attention.

We can also look together at complementary therapies, such as breathing and relaxation exercises. How many treatments are needed depends on the nature and severity of your complaints. Sometimes a close collaboration with your primary care physician is advisable.

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After a Covid infection, it can sometimes take a while to feel your old self again. And a small proportion continue to have long-term symptoms, in which case we speak of Long Covid.

By now we are familiar with most complaints: cough, headaches, loss of taste, shortness of breath, intestinal problems. But also problems such as foggy brain, heaviness, forgetfulness and loss of concentration.

Covid is not a simple flu (has flu ever been simple?) that disappears after a good flush. Covid strikes in to deeper levels of our body and causes deep-seated infections. This can affect all kinds of organs and make you feel that your overall vitality is not the same. Often people also say, I just don't feel like I did before I got Covid.

What can acupuncture do?

Working on your energy balance, balancing your affected organs and getting your immune system back on track. Often acupuncture works well with covid and lung covid patients and you regain confidence in your body which in turn contributes to a good recovery.

Herbs and supplements may be recommended, depending on the person as well as the number of treatments.

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Chronic cold

A cold passes on its own but sometimes the inflammation remains and leads to chronic runny nose and mucus development. Mucosal inflammation can be improved with acupuncture and may even make medical nasal sprays unnecessary.

What can acupuncture do?

The inflammation can decrease and your resistance I can increase with acupuncture. This gives the mucous membranes the rest to restore themselves.

Dietary advice and supplements may also be needed and is very different for each person. Treatments are needed a little more often according to the severity of the symptoms. Also try a neti pot, it takes care of keeping the mucous membrane clean.

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Fertility issues

You have a desire to have children but pregnancy is not forthcoming. Before you go into a major process such as IVF, ICSI or IUI, acupuncture may be a solution for you. Research shows that acupuncture significantly increases the chances of pregnancy.

Sometimes there are identifiable medical causes such as endometriosis or problems in the ovaries or sperm problems. Also very often there is no medical indication for the lack of pregnancy.

What does acupuncture do?

We take a close look at your cycle. It is important that prior to the appointment you have tracked your cycle for several months. We agree on how to take your temperature to eventually have a monthly overview of your temperature. This gives me insight into where and when an imbalance occurs in your hormonal balance and we can repair it.

In men, acupuncture has a positive effect on sperm quality and overall health.

During IVF treatment acupuncture can be supportive both physically and emotionally. Getting more in touch with your body restores confidence and increases calmness. It also improves the quality of all elements within the uterus and sperm.

It is advisable to make an appointment six to eight weeks in advance before you start the treatment.

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High blood pressure

Sometimes during another medical examination it is determined that you have hypertension. This may be due to hormone or kidney abnormality but sometimes it is not at all clear to a Western doctor what causes this. A doctor may prescribe medication with many side effects that must be used for the rest of your life.

What can acupuncture do?

In a natural way, acupuncture works on your fluid balance and getting it back on track. Also, it is often that some lifestyle changes are needed for which we create a plan together.

By the way, you are still taking your prescribed medication and together with your doctor you look at whether the medication can be adjusted with maybe the possibly of stopping the medication altogether. This only happens in consultation with the treating and prescribing physician.

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Everyone has a headache once in a while. But recurring headaches that don't go away on their own can be a hell to endure. Also, these types of headaches are common and it is not always clear what causes them. Silent confinement, dark rooms and lots of work and school absences result.In addition, the feeling of tension and stress because of the fear of another episode.

What can acupuncture do?

Acupuncture can be a very good helper with various headaches. Because TCM not only looks at where the pain is, but also looks for the cause, acupuncture is often very effective. Longer complaints often do require more treatments, but this varies greatly from person to person.

The use of medication can also be reduced or even made unnecessary. This in turn has a positive influence on your overall health because medication often has side effects.

I also look at your diet and will discuss any adjustments with you.

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Hay fever & allergies

Being hypersensitive to dust or hay fever is about a reaction of your immune system that is not going quite right. It's working against you instead of for you. Your body thinks there is a violent virus invasion going on and goes to work too hard, giving you symptoms. This can occur in severe or mild forms.

What can acupuncture do?

I can use acupuncture to support and restore your immune system. This can reduce the symptoms and in some cases completely disappear. Nutritional advice and supplements are recommended and if necessary I will refer you to an herbal expert.

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Skin complaints

It can happen that skin complaints go together with hay fever, for example. Then it is in your constitution, such as forms of eczema. This has to do with a hypersensitive reaction of your immune system. The treatment will be on this deeper level and not on the surface with creams. The intention is that prescribed suppressive creams or medication will be less or not at all necessary.

Skin conditions that fall under autoimmune diseases are also treated on the defense and immune system. Together we will also look at things that aggravate your symptoms. For example, stress and season of the year.

Acne has to do with heat in the body due to hormones.

What can acupuncture do?

In Chinese medicine, we almost never work only on the local complaint. We look for the cause and treat at the source of where the imbalance in the body is. This is no different with skin complaints. Through many questions and pulse and tongue diagnosis, I can discover where in the body the balance is lost.

Where necessary we can make dietary adjustments, supplements and possible referral to an herbalist.

How many treatments are needed depends on the nature and severity of your symptoms and how you respond to the treatments.

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Respiratory diseases

An auto-immune disease occurs because the immune system sees body's own cells and substances as foreign and attacks them. An allergy can also cause this but with autoimmune reactions the symptoms are often more severe. Chronic inflammation deep in the body, sometimes accompanied by attacks and rest periods.


Apart from chronic inflammation, it is also often accompanied by fatigue, depression, stress and moodswings, pain symptoms and an overall feeling of malaise.

Examples of autoimmune disorders include: Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto's disease, Bechterew's disease and many others.

What can acupuncture do?

You cannot cure an autoimmune disease, even with acupuncture. However, it can help balance the immune system and thus reduce symptoms. Because of this, medication can possibly be reduced, in consultation with the treating physician.

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Stomach and intestinal complaints

The stomach and intestines can cause many problems. From irritable bowels (bloating, flatulence, pain, different bowel movements) and spastic bowels (cramping) to autoimmune diseases like Crohn's as well as smelly breath, cramps, persistent diarrhea or constipation.

Stomach problems can come after wrong foods, alcohol consumption, smoking but also stress. You may then experience belching, bloating, painful flanks and nausea.

What can acupuncture do?
Your digestion should be of good shape and come down smoothly, towards the toilet. Bloating, constipation or mild to severe diarrhea is an imbalance. With acupuncture you can influence the quality and direction of the stool and get burps back down.

I also supplement the treatment with moxa and personalized nutritional advice or advice of supplements and/or referral to a herbalist.How many treatments are needed depends on the nature and severity of your symptoms and how you respond to the treatments.

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Menstrual complaints

In principle, your cycle should give you no complaints. Unfortunately, this is often not the case: mild symptoms to severe pain and cramping attacks, headaches, foggy brain, cold feeling, irritation and so much more. We think that this is part of it and that it's a matter of getting by. But there is definitely something to be done about it with acupuncture.

Often before menstruation starts you see complaints like cramping, pain and irritability or gloom (PMS). In acupuncture, we see this as stagnation: your body is holding on and that causes complaints.
The cycle can also cause problems: short, long, irregular, much or little blood loss, you name it.
Fatigue after menstruation is also a common complaint.

What can acupuncture do?
As acupuncture always does, it requires a very personalized approach. The important thing is that before the appointment you have kept a close eye on your cycle and keep track of when what symptoms arise. That saves a lot for the treatment method.

I will focus on the overall energy balance in your body, remove any stagnations and nourish the body where needed. So that your endocrine system calms down and after a few treatments it can regulate itself better.

How many treatments are needed depends on the nature and severity of your symptoms.

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Meno pause

Every person born a woman will suffer to varying degrees with menopause, menopause. You are no longer fertile and your role in your life changes. Not only do you experience physical symptoms, but emotionally it can be a big swing. Some women suffer virtually nothing, but the majority experience reasonable to even very strong symptoms.

It is difficult to do a western examination of hormones when there is still sporadic bleeding. Only a year after the last menstruation can solid research be done and one speaks of menopause. But before that year, of course, it fluctuates as a while. That is an approaching menopause and it can also have its symptoms. Night sweats, hot flashes, palpitations, vaginal dryness, fatigue, headaches, foggy brain, weight gain, feelings of heaviness, moodswings, insomnia and I could go on and on.

Emotionally, it is finding a way to redefine your life. In TCM it is said: your fertility has decreased but your life wisdom is increasing. And that wisdom, it has to find its way.

What can acupuncture do?

Because we are getting older, our fire is burning a little less. That fire lies with our kidneys. The treatment focuses on the energy of these kidneys and the personal extra complaints that apply. As a result, your complaints decrease and you are also emotionally supported in your new phase of life.

How many treatments are needed depends on the nature and severity of your complaints. The acupuncturist will tell you more about this.

Continuing education

April 2023 I will attend a TuiNa continuing education from specialist Sarah Pritchard. Tuina is a Chinese massage technique used on specific acupuncture points.

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Cancer support

Drastic, physically and emotionally. A cancer diagnosis is a major blow to your life. It is a shock, and before you realize what is going on you are in an intensive treatment program that does not really allow you to cope. Heavy medication with possible side effects and your social environment also require adjustments.

Uncertainty, stress and anxiety and the physical side effects of the therapy can be very intense. Often the complaints are fatigue, nausea, skin irritations, numbness in hands and feet, loss of taste and concentration (foggy brain) and possible menopause symptoms.

This poses quite a challenge on your peace of mind and resilience and costs you tons of energy.

What can acupuncture do?

We get right to work on your energy and that it comes back to a better bladder. This makes you more resilient and symptoms can diminish and even disappear. This often starts first with your digestion which raises your overall energy level. In addition, we treat individual complaints and adjust where necessary.

Together we look for ways to reduce your stress level, either with needles or with specific physical exercises. The emotional burden is given a place in the treatment so you feel supported in your diagnosis and treatment process.

Starting immediately alongside the regular treatments is highly desirable but acupuncture can also have a useful effect later.

How many treatments are needed depends entirely on your situation and the severity of your symptoms.

Only in cooperation and agreement with your attending physician.

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Due to unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits, we can gain too much weight. Medication use and thyroid problems can also cause excess weight. Sometimes we are talking about a small number of kilos and sometimes far too much, putting our health at risk. Then you are talking more about obesity, important to have this diagnosis determined through the doctor.

Physical complaints can manifest in the heart area and joints. Also diabetes, breathing problems, fluid retention, movement restriction and of course emotional complaints like loneliness and depression.

What can acupuncture do?

Literally losing weight is not a treatment method for an acupuncturist. However, I will look at your entire digestive system, energy balance and social emotional functioning. Where are the pounds coming from and how do we get that insight for you, is what we will look at together.

With personal nutrition and/or exercise advice we will tackle your obesity in a healthy way. How many treatments are needed is different for each person.

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Sleeping issues

As easy as it sounds, but sleeping can be a huge challenge. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there can be several manifestations and causes of a sleep problem. Not being able to fall asleep, or falling asleep but waking up at a specific time. Severe dreams, nightmares, all influences that have an unpleasant effect on your sleeping pattern. And health starts with a good night's sleep.

Women need more sleep than men because women rely more on hormonal balance, which recovers during sleep. For men, 6 hours of sleep is often enough, but women actually need around 8 hours of sleep.

Short periods of sleep problems are just as important to address as prolonged ones. This is because the lack can quickly manifest itself in irritability and reduced resistance. So don't walk around with a disturbed sleep rhythm for too long. Be careful with medications as they can be addictive and cause side effects such as dullness.

What can acupuncture do?

The balance between our Yin and Yang energy is disturbed. We use the Yang energy to wake up, get up and go to work. During the day we get tired and prepare for the Yin energy: stilling and eventually sleep. You can think of Yin as the blanket pulled over Yang that says: and now go out.

If our Yang stays on, for whatever reason, Yin is pushed away and we cannot catch sleep.

It already helps tremendously not to consume exciting movies or books in the evening, about 1.5 hours before sleep. Keep your nervous system relaxed so that Yang does not stay on. An evening walk or meditation before sleeping can also provide very positive results.

With an acupuncture treatment, I make sure that your Yang energy is put into place better so that the Yin is more likely to succeed when you go to bed. Dietary tips can also help and eventually we can also look at herbs and supplements.

How many treatments are needed depends on the nature and severity of your symptoms.

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Quit smoking

Why do you smoke, why you need a curtain of smoke around you? You know that it's bad, I dont have to tell you that, so the question why is important. And it's so incredibly hard to quit. Also because the manufacturers do everything they can to keep you addicted. Not easy to stay strong and motivated while trying to stop. Withdrawal symptoms are pretty intense but also think about all the behavioral patterns you have to change.

Because it's not just the nicotine you have to kick, it's also the dependence in your behavior. Do you get up with a cigarette, or do you smoke a lot in company or especially in stressful situations. It is important to clarify for yourself what smoking stands for.

What can acupuncture do?

Acupuncture helps you through the first weeks, where the withdrawal symptoms are the most intense. Your withdrawal symptoms will be a lot less and we will focus on your motivation to quit. Because to stick with it, that really lies with your own actions and motivation.

The first 2 treatments are once a week in a row and the third treatment has a week break in between. So 3 treatments in 4 weeks. After this we can continue to support for lung energy or do the treatment again. Often you are pricked in your ear, but also on arm and legs.

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We are always 'on'. The feeling that we have to keep going, not bullshit but polish. And especially continuously. Stress is a very healthy emotion, but only if we can regain our composure. And that's where it often goes wrong. Tightening up the body, a full agenda, work and a rich social life is more the norm than the exception.
When you experience a lot of stress, it deserves the right attention before it can turn into a situation like overstrain or burnout. Before it gets to that point, fortunately there are a lot of things you can do and adjust.

At a certain point, you only produce stress hormones and are less likely to find your way to rest and relaxation. Then exhaustion and feeling drained lurks. Not only physically do you feel the effects of too much stress, but also mentally it can have a major impact. Dissatisfaction, irritability, negative self-image. You can be less and less your usual self.

What can acupuncture do?
Acupuncture can take the tension away from you mentally and physically and get the organs involved back on track. If we talk about stress and burnout, acupuncture is a great addition to a course with a psychologist or coach.
We also look at your nutrition together and gradually adjust the treatment to your current symptoms.

Shiatsu is a very good massage technique for stress complaints. Qi Gong and Yin yoga are excellent physical exercises for these complaints.

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Addiction & recovery

Addiction is often a taboo subject to express. It can be a smoking addiction, alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, it can still play out in your life or you have had your addiction under control for some time but still feel the effects of it.

What can acupuncture do?

Acupuncture can offer you physical and mental support in your addiction recovery. This often goes hand in hand with a program you follow at an addiction treatment center or therapist.

Your body has been in a survival mode for a while and therefore help in balancing your nervous system and energy housekeeping can be very desirable.

Spiritually, acupuncture can also support you, because body and mind are always together. Balance and rest will also affect the mind. Confidence in yourself will increase and this will have a positive influence on your recovery.

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And then you're pregnant! Off to a happy period filled with pink clouds. But that can be a bit disappointing. The ailments you may develop during your pregnancy can be a real drag on your daily life. Just about everything changes in your body and sometimes your body can't keep up with all those changes. Nausea, heartburn, fluid retention, lower back pain, fatigue, etc etc.

What can acupuncture do?

With acupuncture, you can naturally and harmlessly reduce your symptoms. You come back into balance with your energy and your body can cope better with the fluctuations. Specific complaints that are very personal I include in the treatment and we discuss per appointment where the focus should be.

How many treatments are needed depends on the nature and severity of your complaints.

Breech or delayed delivery

Your baby has to turn in the uterus at some point, but sometimes that doesn't happen by itself. There are very specific points on mothers' bodies that promote turning and research has shown that this can work very effectively. Approximately 25% more turns through acupuncture! These points are on the feet and lower leg, the abdomen is never treated during pregnancy beyond 3 months.

The chances of turning success are greatest if treatment is started around 33 to 34 weeks and only if the baby is allowed to come. Contact with the midwife is always pleasant, especially for the mother-to-be. Acupuncture can also be used to induce labor and relieve pain during your delivery. I do not have to be at the birth for this.

I can also give any partner massage tips for the days before labor or during labor.

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